Andrew candish
Actor & Voice Over

Andrew worked for a decade in international development before training at Drama Studio London (2015).
His screen work includes several commercials, the feature Eleven, and short films including portraying Birdie Bowers in the awards nominated Outside.
His stage work ranges from new writing, children's theatre and work about the First World War, to the modern farce Putin Around. He recently played Stephano and Gonzalo in The Tempest, performed in a prehistoric cave.
Site specific work includes a show for the National Trust, and the comedy dining experience Only Fools and Three Courses playing Del Boy and Uncle Albert.
Eleven is a story inspired by events on the final day of the First World War. Andrew plays Lt Mason who, two hours before the ceasefire, is ordered to relay a final command to 'go over the top'.
Eleven is a story of love. Love that binds soldiers together, love of family and home, and love and reconciliation between nations.

The Tempest
Andrew was delighted to perform The Tempest in the prehistoric cave system, Kents Cavern in Devon. He played the drunken butler Stephano and the lord Gonzalo. The show played to morning audiences of school children and language students, and evening audiences of the general public in November 2019.